Privacy Policy

KWI Life Insurance Public Company Limited (‘KWI’ or “We”) cares about your privacy and is fully committed to protect your personal data.

This Privacy Policy covers how we deal with your personal data and gives you detailed information on how, what, when, and why we collect, use, disclose, transfer or process your personal data, what steps we take to ensure your personal data stays private and secure, how long we retain your personal data, how you can contact us, and your rights under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (‘PDPA’).

Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy to understand more about your rights to the personal data that you have given to or have with us. This Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time; so, you should come back and read this Privacy Policy from time to time. If there is any significant change to our Privacy Policy which may affect the rights to your personal data, we will inform you without delay.

1.What personal data we collect from you

Your personal data means any information relating to you that can identify you, whether directly or indirectly, from that data alone or in a combination with other identifiers we possess or can reasonably access, except information about the deceased. The types of personal data we collect will depend on the scope of services and/or type of products that you are interested in or that we provide to you.

Depending on the type of products or services you select or your relationship with us, we may collect and hold the following personal data:

  • Details about you, such as name, surname, gender, date of birth, educational background, occupation, marital status, and nationality
  • Contact details, such as home address, email address, phone number and social media accounts
  • Identification and authentication details, such as identification card number, passport number, driving license number, photo, and CCTV footage
  • Financial details, such as your payments history, credit card numbers and bank account details
  • Results of any credit, background and financial background checks we have conducted on you
  • Insurance claim information, where this is relevant
  • Your employment information and salary
  • The names and addresses of your dependents or beneficiaries
  • Information about how you use our website, applications, or other technology, including IP addresses and device information
  • Records and result of your insurance application
  • Personal status indicating the abilities that have been limited by laws to proceed any transactions, such as bankruptcy laws, anti-money laundering laws, prevention and suppression of financial terrorism support laws, tax laws, being a membership of organizations, professional organization or trade association.
  • Other information that you have given to us

In addition, we may also collect and hold your sensitive data such as:

  • Health, medical or treatment information
  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Sexual preferences or practices
  • Membership of political associations
  • Criminal and lawsuit records
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Genetic data; and
  • Biometric data.

If you do not or are unable or decline to provide certain personal data or to consent us to collect, use or disclose certain personal data which is necessary for us to make a relationship with you or provide our services and/or products to you, we may not be able to stay in contact with you, enter into a contract with you or perform our obligations resulting from a contract entered with you. In some cases, where we have legal obligations to collect, use or disclose certain personal data and you do not or are unable or decline to provide certain personal data to us, we may be liable for failure to comply with the legal obligations under the applicable laws.

2. Why and how we collect, use, and disclose your personal data

We only collect, use, disclose or process your personal data by fair and lawful means to the extent necessary for the specific purposes. We have also set out some lawful reasons why we may process your personal data. These depend on what kind of personal data we are processing.

We normally process personal data which is required or allowed by any law that applies (legal compliance), to provide the services/products set out in a contract (contracts), if it is necessary to prevent danger to a person’s life, body and health (vital interests), if it is in our legitimate interests (legitimate interest) or we have your permission (consent).

For more information about this and the reasons we may need to process your personal data, please see below.

2.1 Legal compliance

We will rely on the purpose of legal compliance in which the processing of your personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, for example, relevant insurance laws, anti-money laundering laws, tax laws, securities and exchange laws, and personal data protection laws.

Including collect use and/or disclose your personal data and sensitive personal data to the Office of Insurance Commission (‘OIC’) for the benefit of supervision and promotion of insurance business according to the OIC’s privacy policy which can be viewed at the website

2.2 Contracts

We will rely on the purpose of contracts in which the processing of your personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or in order to take steps at your request before entering into a contract.

We will process your personal data in accordance with the agreement between you and us, and for the following reasons:

  • Providing services and products to you, and administering, implementing, maintaining, managing and operating such services and products, including but not limited to insurance, financial or other products of KWI
  • Processing, assessing, and accepting any applications or requests made by you in connection with our services or products, issuing or arranging insurance contracts and maintaining your account with us
  • Processing and implementing payment instructions
  • Determining any amount of indebtedness owed to or by you and collecting and recovering any amount due from you or any person who has provided any security or undertaking for your liabilities
  • Exercising any rights that we may have in connection with the services and/or products provided to you; and
  • Any purposes in connection with any claims made by or against or otherwise involving you in respect of any services and/or products provided by us, including but not limited to claiming, defending, analyzing, investigating, processing, assessing, determining, negotiating to, resolving or settling such claims.

2.3 Vital interests

We will rely on the purpose of vital interests where the processing of your personal data is necessary to prevent or avoid danger to a person’s life, body, or health.

2.4 Legitimate interests

We may rely on the purpose of legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party which require us to process your personal data. Considering your interests, rights and freedoms, legitimate interests which allow us to process your personal data include:

  • Complying with obligations, policies or procedures for sharing data and information within KWI and/or other use of data and information in accordance with KWI programs to comply with sanctions or to prevent or detect money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or other crimes and unlawful activities
  • Meeting any present or future contractual or other commitment with any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, and self-regulatory or industry bodies such as federations or associations of insurers in Thailand or any other jurisdictions
  • Meeting disclosure obligations imposed by laws, rules, regulations, codes of practice or guidelines (applicable in or outside Thailand) that are binding on KWI or its subsidiaries, holding companies, associated or affiliated companies, or companies controlled by, or under common control of KWI, partners, including but not limited to the disclosure to legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, and self-regulatory or industry bodies such as federations or associations of insurers in Thailand or any other jurisdictions;
  • Internal administration including generating internal reports, accounting, audit, and complaint handling management
  • Creating and maintaining KWI’s credit and risk related models
  • Ensure security and business continuity; and
  • Any purposes in connection with any claims made by or against or otherwise involving you in respect of any services and/or products provided by us, including but not limited to claiming, defending, analyzing, investigating, processing, assessing, determining, negotiating, resolving or settling such claims.

2.5 Consent

Apart from the above lawful bases, we may process your personal data with your consent. We will only ask for your consent if there is no other lawful basis to process your personal data, especially, in the case where our processing activities have potential impact on your sensitive personal data. If we need to ask for your consent, we will make it clear what we are asking for and ask you to confirm your choice to give us that consent. If we cannot provide a product and/or service without your consent to process your personal data, we will make this clear when we ask for your consent.

We may request your consent to process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Designing insurance and other financial products for customers including analyzing and improving of services and products
  • Performing policy review and needs analysis (whether or not on a regular basis)
  • Operating, maintaining, and providing subsequent services in relation to the applications for services and/or products
  • Verifying any eligibility, credit, physical, medical, security, underwriting and/or identity checks for the provision of services or products
  • Providing services and products to you, and administering, implementing, maintaining, managing, and operating such services and products, including but not limited to insurance, financial and other products of KWI in the case where we need to process your sensitive personal data
  • Identifying and providing you with the information about services, products or any events that may benefit you or may be of interest to you
  • Analyzing and conducting data analytics, surveys, and feedbacks to develop, build and implement our business models, products, services, and systems which help us to provide high standard services or enhance the benefits to you
  • Internal administration including generating internal reports, accounting, audit, complaint handling or claim management and handling in the case where we need to process your sensitive personal data; and
  • Offering our services and products or other offers to you.

2.6 Minor, Incompetent person, and quasi-incompetent person

As required by law in certain cases, we cannot collect, use, and/or disclose the Personal Data of minors, quasi-incompetent persons, and incompetent persons in absence of their parental or legal guardian consents. If you are under the age of 20, quasi-incompetent persons, or incompetent persons, please ensure that consent from your legal guardians are obtained when it is required. Where we learn that we have unintentionally collected Personal Data from anyone under the age of 20 without parental consent when it is required, or from quasi-incompetent persons and incompetent persons without their legal guardians, we will delete it immediately or process only if we can rely on other legal bases apart from consent.

3. Informing you of your personal data collection

We will always notify you, before or at the time of collecting your personal data, about our purposes of processing. However, in some circumstances as specified under the PDPA, it is not necessary for us to inform you about our processing of your personal data, such as when:

  • you are already aware of such new purposes or details of our processing
  • we believe that notice of such new purposes or the detail of our processing is impossible or will obstruct the use or disclosure of your personal data, where we have taken suitable measures to protect your rights, freedoms, and interests
  • it is urgent to use or disclose your personal data as required by law and we have implemented suitable measures to protect your interests; or
  • we are aware of or acquire your personal data from our duty, occupation, or profession, and we have used your personal data in accordance with such professional purposes and maintained the confidentiality as required by law.

4. How we collect your personal data

We collect your personal data in different ways which include in writing, by electronic or hard copy form, by telephone, email, in person, and over the internet such as via our website, cookies, online forms or social media.

We may collect your personal data directly from you. For example, you provide us with your personal data when you fill in an application form, insurance application form or our request form, communicate with us over the telephone, send us a letter or use our website.

We may also collect your personal data indirectly from publicly available sources of information and/or from other parties including:

  • your intermediary or professional adviser(s)
  • other insurers, reinsurers or distribution partners
  • sanitorium, our service providers and business partners
  • organizations that we have an arrangement with to jointly offer products
  • our related entities
  • third parties who, at the time of collection, have notified you that your information will be provided to us
  • government, statutory or regulatory body and law enforcement bodies
  • other third parties; and
  • our agent, broker, or anyone that you have authorized to deal with us.

If you provide personal data about another individual to us, you agree to:

  • inform them that you are disclosing their personal information to us
  • collect their consent to do so
  • direct them to the KWI Privacy Policy; and
  • make them aware of the content of this Privacy Policy.

5. How we share your personal data

Generally, this Privacy Policy applies to KWI and all KWI Group members, including all business units, departments, personnel, and third parties that handle personal data with a contractual arrangement with KWI and/or with KWI affiliated entities.

Your personal data may be transferred or disclosed to, accessed by or shared on a need to know basis with the following parties and for the following purposes

  1. Group members or business partners:
    •    group members of KWI in order to provide our products and services to you
    •    any business partners of KWI that we have an agreement with including the members of those partners
    •    any person or company carrying on insurance-related and/or reinsurance-related business which is engaged by KWI in connection with KWI’s business, KWI Group, affiliated entities, and business partners and/or third-party entities
  2. Agents or contractors
    •    any person or companies which is acting for or on behalf of KWI, or jointly with KWI, in respect of a purpose or a directly related purpose for which your personal data was required
    •    any agents, contractors or service providers who provide administrative, credit reference, debt collection, telecommunications, computer, payment, printing, redemption, courier or other services in relation to the operation of businesses of KWI
  3. Professionals
    •    any physicians, hospitals, clinics, medical practitioners, laboratories, technicians, loss adjustors, risk intelligence providers, claim investigation companies, administrators or other professional advisors who are engaged by KWI in connection with KWI’s business.
  4. Others
    •    any person or company to whom KWI is obliged or expected to make disclosure under the requirements of laws, rules, regulations, codes of conduct or guidelines (applicable in or outside Thailand) including any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, self-regulatory or industry bodies such as federations or associations of insurers in Thailand or any other jurisdictions.

6. Transfer outside Thailand

We deal with many international organizations and use global information systems. As a result, we transfer your personal data to countries outside Thailand for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Not all countries outside Thailand have data protection laws that are similar to those in Thailand. Where data security standards are deemed inadequate, we will provide appropriate safeguards to protect your interest, or the transfer will take place if one of the exceptions defined by the PDPA is met.

These exceptions are:

  • if the transfer is necessary for compliance with the law.
  • if you have explicitly consented to the proposed transfer after having been informed of the possible risks due to the absence of an adequacy decision or adequate safeguards.
  • if the transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or the implementation of pre-contractual measures taken at your request.
  • if the transfer is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract in your interest between KWI and another natural or legal person.
  • if the transfer is necessary to protect vital interests of you or other persons, where you are physically or legally incapable of giving consent; and
  • if the transfer is necessary for important reasons of public interest.

7. Your rights

You have rights to your personal data, and according to the PDPA these rights include:

  1. Right to access
    You have a right to access and obtain a copy of your personal data that we hold about you. You may ask us to disclose the sources of where we obtained your personal data to which you have not consented to.
  2. Right to data portability
    You have a right to request us to transfer your personal data to other persons/organizations, or request to see the personal data that we have transferred to other persons/organizations, unless it is impossible for us to carry out your request due to technical circumstances.
  3. Right to object to the processing of your personal data
    You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, unless there are circumstances that do not allow you to make the objection. These may include cases where we have compelling legitimate grounds or when the processing of your personal data is carried out to comply, exercise or defend legal claims or for the public interest.
  4. Right to erasure
    You have a right to request us to delete, destroy or anonymize your personal data in the following circumstances:
    •    The personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, used or disclosed.
    •    You have withdrawn your consent on which the collection, use or disclosure was based and we no longer have legal grounds to collect, use or disclose the personal data;
    •    You have objected to the collection, use or disclosure of the personal data and we do not have legal grounds to reject the request; and/or
    •    When the personal data has been lawfully collected, used or disclosed under the PDPA.
  5. Right to restrict the processing of your information
    You have a right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal data in the following circumstances:
    •    It is under a pending examination process to check if the personal data is accurate, up-to-date, complete and not misleading
    •    The personal data should be deleted or destroyed as it does not comply with the law and you request to restrict it instead;
    •    The personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, used or disclosed, but you have the necessity to request the retention for purposes of establishing, complying, exercising or defending legal claims;
    •    We are pending verification of a basis to reject the objection request for the collection, use or disclosure of personal data.
  6. Right to rectification
    You have a right to rectify inaccurate personal data in order to make it accurate, up-to-date, complete and not misleading.
  7. Right to lodge a complaint
    You have the right to make a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Committee in the case where we, our data processors, employees or contractors do not comply with the PDPA or other announcements under the PDPA.
  8. Right to withdraw consent
    You may withdraw your consent at any time, unless we have a lawful basis to deny your request.

If you change your mind about how you would like us to have or process your personal data, you can tell us anytime by following the process under “Exercising your rights” section.

8. Exercising your rights

In order to exercise your rights stated above, you may refer to our contact’s details under “How to contact us” stated hereinbelow. If you make a request, we will ask you to confirm your identity (if necessary), and to provide information that helps us to understand your request better. We expect to respond to your request within 30 days of the receipt of your request.

We have full rights and sole discretion to either fulfil or decline your request or charge a reasonable fee to fulfil your request in the case where you have made more than 3 consecutive requests within 10 working days, or in the event that the requests are obviously excessive or unfounded. We are entitled to refuse your request on statutory grounds and we will notify you of the refusal and our grounds.

In the case where we reject your request, we will record the rejection with reasons according to the PDPA.

If you have any questions or would like to exercise any rights relating to your personal data, please contact us via the provided details in the ‘How to contact us’ section.

9. How long we keep your personal data

Your Personal Data will be stored for the period necessary to allow us to fulfil, satisfy or achieve the purposes specified in Part 2 above except where a longer retention period is required or permitted by law or as long as you are our customer and for a period of ten years after the end of the customer relationship, or longer if required by law or to satisfy the purposes specified in Part 2 above. In addition, if you would like to purchase our products or use our services, we will retain your Personal Data for [xx] years from the day on which you have provided your contact information to us or longer. However, the retention period for Personal Data will be in accordance with our internal policy and procedure. In case of legal necessity or achieving the purposes as set out in Part 2 above, there may be specific circumstances where it is necessary for us to retain your Personal Data for longer (such as when a dispute arises).

We will delete, destroy, permanently anonymize, or otherwise dispose of all personal data at the end of the retention period, or when we must comply with your request for erasure of your personal data.

If you have any questions, please contact us at the provided details in the ‘How to contact us’ section.

10. Marketing and privilege

As part of our products and/or service, we may use your personal data to identify a product and/or service that may benefit you. We may contact you occasionally to let you know about new or existing products or services.

We may also disclose your personal data to our related entities or business partners to enable them to tell you about a product or service. The marketing delivery channels may be through electronic means, email, telephone, text and other forms of communication.

For direct marketing, KWI intends:

  1. to use your name, contact details, service and product portfolio information, financial background and demographic data held by KWI in direct marketing
  2. to market the following classes of services and products offered by KWI, KWI Group and/or our partners:
    •    insurance services and products
    •    financial services and products
    •    selling, cross selling or upselling of services and products
    •    reward, promotion, campaign, loyalty or privilege programs and related services and products; and
    •    donations and contributions for charitable and/or non-profit making purposes.
  3. to provide your personal data described in 1) above to any members of KWI and/or our partners for their use in direct marketing the classes of services and products described in 2) above.

If you change your mind about how you would like us to contact you or you no longer wish to receive any of the above information, you can tell us anytime by following the process under “Exercising your rights” section.

11. Ensure security

To keep your personal data safe and secure, we use a range of measures, which include encryption and other forms of security. We require our employees and third parties who carry out work on our behalf to comply with appropriate privacy standards including obligations to protect against the leakage of information and to apply appropriate security measures for the processing of information.

We maintain and update our security procedures and measures to ensure a level of security for the personal data appropriate to the respective risk and the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing, including to prevent loss and unauthorized collection, access, use, modification, correction or disclosure of personal data. Our security measures apply to all types of data processing regardless of whether the personal data is processed electronically or in paper form.

We certify that all personal data collected will be safely and securely stored with strict security standards. If you have reason to believe that your personal data has been breached or if you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us. See the ‘How to contact us’ section for contact details.

12. Hyperlinks and cookies

KWI’s website may include hyperlinks to third party websites. KWI has no control over the content, accuracy, expressed opinions, and links provided at these third party websites or how these third party websites deal with your personal data. You should visit these third party websites for details of their privacy policies in relation to their handling of your personal data.

KWI may use ‘cookies’ to improve our internet service. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that automatically store on your computer's browser and can be viewed by KWI’s website. Cookies also help KWI’s website to recognize you and your list of favorites or most common use when visiting the website, as well as assisting KWI in customizing the website to suit your need.

The data collected by cookies are customization of anonymous data. Therefore, there are no data concerning your name, address or any data that can enable other parties to contact you via telephone, email address and other forms of contact. There are also no personal data of customers stored in cookies. However, you may block the use of cookies by customizing your browser setting, but blocking our cookies may impact your usage on our website or online services, causing difficulty in entering transaction with us via KWI’s website and taking longer to request additional data.

13. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change, amend or update the Privacy Policy at any time we deem appropriate. We will notify you of any change, amendment or update on our Corporate Website, which you can check at any time.

14. How to contact us

If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, complaints or want to exercise your rights regarding your personal data, please contact:

Data Protection Officer

KWI Life Insurance Public Company Limited
43 Thai CC Tower, 33rd Floor,
South Sathorn Road, Yan Nawa,
Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
Tel: 02-033-9000

By virtue of Royal Decree Prescribing Organizations and Businesses of which Personal Data Controllers are not Subject to Personal Data Protection Act B.E 2563 postponing the PDPA effective date, you may exercise your rights regarding your personal data from 1 June 2022 onwards.

Updated on 30 May 2022
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